Zorb ‘n’ Orb Exercise Ball 3 Sizes available – small 12.3cm (5″), medium 17cm (7″) & large 25cm (10″) approx Superb playball for your small and furry friend, easy to use, instructions on packaging. Easy to assemble Easy to clean Easy to use Easy to see Observe your pet at all times when in use. Return your pet to it’s cage after 15-30 minutes use. When in use keep out of direct sunlight. Do not use on a raised surface or near stairs where a fall could occur
Small 12.3cm (5″) Dwarf Hamsters, Mice
Medium 17cm (7″) Gerbils, Hamsters
Large 25cm (10″) Rats, Degus
A Durable Exercise Jogging Travel Play Ball
Observe your pet having a run around
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