Biteback Tac-Tick provides a full service solution for ticks: not only will it prevent them attaching in the first place, but you can also use it to painlessly remove them. Disease-carrying ticks are found across the UK, but are particularly prevalent in parks and countryside. They wait in the long grass for an opportunity to attach themselves to people and pets, and they can often go un-noticed at first. Unfortunately they can transmit bacteria and microbes when they bite, including Lyme’s Disease, which can cause long term health issues. Used regularly, Biteback’s Tac-Tick will prevent parasites such as ticks attaching in the first place. If a tick has already attached, applying the lotion directly (using a cotton bud) will cause it to drop off. We’ve carefully chosen ingredients that are effective, yet gentle and kind, and won’t dry the skin. The active ingredient in Tac-Tick is Icaridin, an incredibly safe repellent that is recommended by the World Health Organisation. Cruelty free and environmentally kind: will not harm the birds and the bees. Safe around children and pets. Hand made in the UK. 2017
Both prevents and detaches ticks…..with no discomfort
Spraying onto an attached tick will cause it to drop off
Active ingredient is the plant-based Icaridin, the World Health Organisation’s preferred repellent
Non-toxic, cruelty free and environmentally kind
Ideal for sensitive skin: no perfumes, parabens, silicones or other un-necessary ingredients.
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