Grown your own Cat Grass, its Simple, easy and a necessity.
Your cat grass sprouts in 4 to 5 days and is ready to eat soon after.
Includes: tub, high quality seeds and soil.
Grass is completely indigestible to cats so why do they eat it? Scientists believe that in the wild cats will ingest grass to help them pass or throw up the indigestible parts of pray, like hair and teeth, which protects their digestive system from blockages. You may also notice that your cat eats grass and then very soon after vomits. This is to help regurgitate the hair they have swallowed when they clean. If you have ever felt the raspy tongue of a cat you can just imagine how much hair they end up swallowing and this can be very uncomfortable for them. No one wants to clean up cat vomit but at the same time not providing grass can lead to expensive vet bills and unhappy cats. This is especially important for indoor cats and cats living in countries where the weather can keep them indoors for extended periods.
Summer growing tips
Grass prefers less water than you think so please only use 1/4 cup of water until your pot is growing well or the soil is so dry it pulls away from the sides of the pot.
During the bright summer months your windowsill may be too bright and may stunt the new grass growth so please place your pot further away from the window for better germination.
Grow your own kit, just add water
Made in the UK
Essential for cats health
This is NOT catnip
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