Cupkit Queen Rearing Box This very clever system covers all aspects of queen rearing, achiving the benefits of grafting without the difficulties. This kit consists of: 1 Cupkit box 110 Brown Queen Cell Cups 10 Hair Roller Cages 10 Brown Cell Bar Blocks 10 Cream Cup Caps The System works by placing your laying queen beneath the queen excluder of your Cupkit box. The queen will then lay eggs in the brown cups provided. After 24 hours behind the excluder the queen is released back into the general population of the hive. The benefit of this is that there is no need for grafting and you have an exact date that the eggs were layed which is the beginning of your queen rearing timeline. Capped queen cells can be moved to the Mating Hive or the Hair roller cages can be used to protect and collect the virgin queens.
Complete Queen Bee rearing kit
Consists of 1 Cupkit Box, 110 Brown Cell Cups, 10 sets of Bar blocks and up caps and 10 Hair Roller cages
Raise your own queens without the need for grafting
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