jardiboutique – Nourriture Larves entières déshydratées de mouche soldat 80g – ENT-VR-DESHY-80G

The interests of appreciated by touch giving your pet above this dietary supplement 100% natural, is their provide a good growth, vitality and energy as well as beautiful, bright colours.
Dehydrated whole larvae, is a daily food supplement for your
Ornamental Pond Fish, birds (parakeets, Budgies, canaries), omnivores (i.e. rodents/Guinea Pigs, domestic Ferret, Rat, rabbit), Park animals and garden (e.g. poultry, palmipèdes, pigeons, Peacock) and the range fishing.


L’intérêt de donner à vos animaux ci-dessus ce complément alimentaire 100 % naturel, est de leurs apporter une bonne croissance, de la vitalité et de l’énergie ainsi que de belles couleurs vives.
Larves entières déshydratées, est un complément alimentaire quotidien pour vos
Poissons de bassins, Oiseaux d’ornement (ex : perroquets, perruches, canaris ), Rongeurs Omnivores (ex : cochon d’inde, furet, rat domestique, sauf lapin), Animaux parc et jardin (ex : Volailles, palmipèdes, pigeons, paons) et la Gamme Pêche.
Composition : 100 % de larves Hermetia Illucens
NOVEINSECT ENT-VR est un aliment naturel, sans additifs chimiques, sans sous produit animaux et très protéiné .
Naturellement odorant et attractif tous vos animaux se régaleront de ces larves.
The interests of appreciated by touch giving your pet above this dietary supplement 100% natural, is their provide a good growth, vitality and energy as well as beautiful, bright colours.
Dehydrated whole larvae, is a daily food supplement for your
Ornamental Pond Fish, birds (parakeets, Budgies, canaries), omnivores (i.e. rodents/Guinea Pigs, domestic Ferret, Rat, rabbit), Park animals and garden (e.g. poultry, palmipèdes, pigeons, Peacock) and the range fishing.
Material: 100% of larvae hermetia illucens
noveinsect ent-vr protein is a natural food – FREE FROM chemical additives, without animal by-product and very. Naturally fragrant and attractive all your animals régaleront of these larvae.

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