Epsom Salt Baths: Dissolve in a 5 gallon bucket (20 litre) 1 cup of epsom salts in hot water (should be slightly hotter than what is comfortable for your hand). Dunk in a large beach towel until well saturated. Squeeze the excess out as you withdraw the towel from the bucket. Lay across your horse starting at the neck. Remove when the towel begins to feel cool to touch. Repeat process until you have covered the entire body three times. OR dissolve one cup of epsom salts per 5 gallons into a large basin or skip bucket and place in a wool cooler then lay this from head to tail across horse. Process should be done three times. OR for a cold weather alternative follow the first three instructions but bath / wrap only the legs.
After a long vigourous ride, a day at a show or post racing an epsom salt bath will help restore your horse’s muscles to athletic readiness.
Epsom salt baths used up to three times a week and aided with a solid warm-up and cool down routine can also help reduce the incidences of tying up in a horse prone to such muscular difficulties.
Epsom salts are a very powerful mineral that helps to draw toxins and metabolic wastes e.g. lactic acid through the pores in our skin.
HOOF ABCESSES / INFLAMMATION. A dilution of Epsom Salt in water makes a perfect soaking against abcesses and inflammation.
MUSCLES. A (contrast)bath with Epsom salt acts relaxing on the muscles
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