A compound feedstuff for tropical finches. Ingredients: panicum white milletseed canary seed vegetable oil. 50% panicum millet [small seed] means this mix is highly suited for small topical finches. This is a highly nutritious blend and don t be fooled by the fact it only has three ingredients. They are the best available including soft white millet from the USA – this is the finest quality and the most easily digestible of proso millets. The high percentage of panicum millets makes it a very good blend for Gouldians and Cordon Bleu.
A compound feedstuff for tropical finches. Ingredients: panicum, white milletseed, canary seed, vegetable oil. 50% panicum millet [small seed] means this mix is highly suited for small topical finches. This is a highly nutritious blend and don’t be
fooled by the fact it only has three ingredients. They are the best available including soft white millet from the USA – this is the finest quality and the most easily digestible of proso millets. The high percentage of panicum millets makes it a very
good blend for Gouldians and Cordon Bleu.
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