For any dog or cat owner, tear stains on your pet can be an unpleasant part of your pet’s life. Tear stains occur when an animal’s eyes produce excessive tears, either due to allergies, infection, or some other form of irritation.
Fortunately, Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover is a perfect solution to this unsavory part of your furry friend’s hygiene regimen. Our formula is great for dogs and cats of any age and is ideal for small breeds, as it won’t overpower or irritate your pet’s mouth, eyes, ears, or nose. In fact, the Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover is fragrance free and does not produce harmful fumes. This gentle formula relies on natural, plant-based ingredients to remove tear stains from your dog or cat’s fur, so there’s no formaldehyde or bleach whatsoever.
Not only does it remove tear stains without the aid of these harsh chemicals or rough rubbing but it also works to prevent tear stains in the future. Simply wet a clean towel or cotton ball with the Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover and gently wipe the area around your pet’s eyes to remove and reduce the appearance of tear stains as well as unsightly mucus buildup. The Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover formula is made from naturally-derived ingredients, is sourced entirely in the United States, and comes with its quality guaranteed. This Natural Rapport formula does not provide relief for allergies or infections and should not be used to treat them. Rather, it helps to reduce the appearance of tear stains resulting from allergies or infection.
EASIER THAN EYE DROPS – The Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover gently works to remove tear stains caused by overactive tear glands, conjunctivitis, infection, or even allergies. Apply this eye tear stain remover with a cotton ball to the affected area and gently wipe until the discoloration is removed or lessened.
HIGH QUALITY TEAR STAIN REMOVAL AND PREVENTION: Use regularly to greatly reduce or eliminate existing stains and prevent future build up and new eye tear stains from recurring. For your dogs, puppies, cats and kittens that have unfortunate staining around their eyes, nose and mouths such as Bichons, Chihuahuas, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Pekingese, Poodles, Schnauzers, Shih Tzus, Yorkies. Persians and Himilayans.
USES NATURAL INGREDIENTS – Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover relies on naturally-derived ingredients to keep the fur around your pet’s angel eyes clean and fresh. Although it does not actually provide infection or allergy relief for your pet, it does help to keep them looking clean and happy.
GREAT FOR SENSITIVE PETS – This gentle formula is great for small dogs. Natural Rapport Eye-Tear Remover won’t irritate your pet’s eyes, nose, or mouth as it does not contain bleach, formaldehyde, or other harsh chemicals. With this formula by Natural Rapport, keeping your furry friend’s face clean is easy and painless for everyone, animals and humans alike.
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