The Ova-Easy 190 Advance II has three tilting shelves and is ideally suited to multi-stage incubation where fresh trays of eggs are added weekly on the top shelf and the removable trays are then moved down a shelf each week before moving to the bottom for hatching. Universal trays are supplied as standard and are adjustable for egg size from quail through to goose. The hatching trays come complete with removable covers to contain the chicks. Humidity is monitored on the digital display and managed by occasionally topping up an internal water reservoir and adjusting the vent on the front of the machine. (The 190 Advance II EX version includes a humidity pump which gives a more precise, programmable and more ‘hands-off’ control of humidity and the humidity pump can also be purchased separately later). From the digital menu the user can also adjust the temperature, the turning interval and periodic cooling if required (e.g. for waterfowl). Shelves can also be levelled with a single button for easy access to the trays. The Ova-Easy has a fully protected steel chassis which is rigid and rust resistant with laminated high density polystyrene sides providing good thermal insulation and smooth, easy to clean surfaces. The transparent, double glazed door provides thermal insulation plus the convenience of total visibility of eggs and hatched chicks.PLEASE NOTE CUSTOMER MUST CORRESPOND WITH BRINSEA TO ARRANGE DELIVERY.
Robust, high performance, flexible incubator with automatic turning and an integral hatching compartment
Flexible egg handling to suit a wide range of egg sizes with standard egg trays. When using optional species specific trays enables egg capacity optimisation : hen – 192, quail -869, pheasant – 233, turkey/duck -125, Goose – 63 eggs (including hatching capacity)
Unique ‘laminar airflow’ to eliminate cold spots, energy efficient, insulated cabinet, clear, double-glazed observation door
‘Advance’ digital control system – temperature and humidity readout, turning interval options, periodic cooling option, incubation and room temperature alarms, choice of degrees C and F
Made in the UK, spares in the UK, servicing in the UK and 3 year warranty (subject to online registration with manufacturer)
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