CUSTOMISABLE FOR YOUR PET – The PetSafe Drinkwell, Avalon Pet Fountain features an Elevated Drinking Bowl to help Large Dogs, Senior and Arthritic Pets making it the ideal choice for all Cats and Dogs.
NATURAL HYDRATION – The Fresh, Free Flowing Water, Naturally encourages even the fussiest of Pets to Drink. Pets with Cystitis or Chronic Kidney Disease will also greatly benefit from an increased Water consumption.
HEALTH ENHANCING – The constant circulation of Water ensures the Drinking Water is optimally oxygenated and hinders the spread of bacteria, making it Fresher than a traditional Drinking Bowl, keeping your Pet Healthy
FILTERED – Both the Foam and Replaceable Charcoal Filter prevent hair, food debris and contaminants getting into the Pet Fountain whilst also improving the taste of the Drinking Water for your Pet
WARRANTY – The PetSafe Drinkwell Ceramic Avalon Pet Fountain includes a 2 year manufacturer’s warranty