‘Portland’ Eco Tree Free Western Saddle Buffalo Leather with Velcro Cushion


Seat size 16 ‘: Total Length approx. 59 cm: Weight approx. 9 kg.
Seat size 17 ‘: Total Length: Approximately 62 cm: Weight: About 9kg.
Split Buffalo Leather

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‘Seat size 16′: Total Length: Approx. 59 cm: Approximate weight: 9 kg.’Seat size 17’: Total Length Approx. 62 cm: Approximate weight: 9 kg.Material: Buffalo Leather
Secure and stable fit, so no Schwammiges sitting position Gefühlverstellbare Velcro pad for freedom of spine, does not need to be used with special pad Werdengegurtet makes the saddle like a normal Western Saddle fenders and stirrups are also a nice Botsehr good workmanship, top quality material, great Handpu Nzierungdas the best, you can choose it Leistenmit 4 different gullet sizes may the saddle suitable for almost all horse types.Size 4: is suitable for slim and sleek with medium to high instep Size 3 is for medium sized Stormbreaker Rug – Nvychk of normal to high instep Geeignetgröße 2: For Wider, stronger horses (Full Quarter Hafis) Size 1: For extra wide shoulders (Carthorse, Width Hafis, Tinker etc.)
Size 1 is incorporated on the saddle other sizes offered as an accessory.Size 1: A: 20.5 cm Width: 36 cm, c: 14.5 cm, angle d: 30 degrees Size 2: A: 20 cm; W: 34 cm, C: 14.5 cm Size 3: A: 18.5 cm Width: 33 cm, c: 15.5 cm Angle 40 Degrees Angle D: D: 45GRADGRÖSSE 4: A: 17.5 cm Width: 29.5 cm C: 17.5 cm bracket d: 50GRAD
All this are approximate, There may be slight variations.
Rear Belt ‘flank billet’ are not included.

Seat size 16 ‘: Total Length approx. 59 cm: Weight approx. 9 kg.
Seat size 17 ‘: Total Length: Approximately 62 cm: Weight: About 9kg.
Split Buffalo Leather
Secure and stable fit, no Schwammiges sitting experience
Adjustable Velcro cushions offer freedom of spine, no need to used with special pad

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