Could there be some very bad news for flies?
It’s definitely great news for horses though. When it comes to serious summer issues such as biting insects and UV rays the ComFiTec Shield combo neck rug from Weatherbeeta has literally got your horse covered.
The UV reflecting rug offers complete body protection from ears to rear starting with integral ear hood with elastic inserts to protect ticklish ears. That’s one of the places where insects can be most aggravating.
Protection continues with copious fabric in the combo neck body and full tail flap. The elasticated and fully adjustable belly wrap covers another area that those insects just love to pester. It all adds up to exceptional coverage and fantastic fit with plenty of give as the horse moves.
Summer days are long too. Your horse needs a rug that’s designed for all day wear with attention to detail where there is a risk from rubbing. Points such as the withers where there’s an elastic insert to reduce chafing. Nylon lining inside the shoulder area and tail flap supplies a smooth yet non-slip fit. Further lining around the inside of the neck helps prevent rubs at this vulnerable point.
The Ezi-Clip front closure makes it quick and easy to put on when the flies turn up uninvited.
Being well-covered doesn’t mean losing any mobility because the long full traditional side gussets at each shoulder let your horse stretch his or her legs out without restriction.
The outcome is a deliciously cool relaxed and happy horse.
Benefits: Light-coloured material reflects UV rays Full body cover from ear hood to tail flap frustrates insects Elasticated and adjustable wrap protects exposed belly area Reduced suffering from skin ailments Ezi-Clip front closure for ease in putting on and taking off Additional lined areas for reduced rubbing Side gussets and adjustable leg straps for freedom of movement Horses stay calm relaxed and undis
It’s definitely great news for horses, though.
When it comes to serious summer issues such as biting insects and UV rays, the ComFiTec Shield combo neck rug from Weatherbeeta has literally got your horse covered.
Light-coloured material reflects UV rays
Full body cover from ear hood to tail flap frustrates insects. Reduced suffering from skin ailments. Ezi-Clip front closure for ease in putting on and taking off. Additional lined areas for reduced rubbing. Horses stay calm, relaxed and undistracted
Elasticated and adjustable wrap protects exposed belly area. Side gussets and adjustable leg straps for freedom of movement
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