ZEBRA SNAIL 2cm TROPICAL AQUARIUM LIVE FISH ALGAE EATER TANK CLEANER Alive and in good health Zebra Nerite Snail is one of the most, if not the most popular nerite snail in the Aquatic hobby. Its coloration is a beautiful golden shell with black jagged-edged stripes running down. Common Name: Brown Zebra Snail – Zebra Neritel – Tiger Snail – Batik Nerite Snail Proper Name: Neritina Natalensis Country Origin: South Africa Diet: Nerites are algae eaters. Most consume green algae and diatoms, and some also eat blue-green algae. They do not eat live plants. Size: 5cm Maximum Water Temperature: 15°C to 29°C
Zebra Snail 2cm Approx (Neritina natalensi)
LIVE Snail
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